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About us

The Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics (BIDSA) was established in 2016 to promote and facilitate data-driven research at Bocconi University. It represents Bocconi's timely answer to the increasing interest in Data Science and the rapidly growing demand for data scientists across all industries.

The abundance and complexity of large-scale datasets in science, business and every-day life is creating exciting opportunities and great challenges for our society. In order to exploit the information contained in these datasets and model the underlying complex phenomena, modern data scientists need to combine advanced knowledge from a variety of disciplines, including mathematics, statistics, computer science, economics and other domain-specific knowledge. By acting as a central hub of data-science research and education at Bocconi, BIDSA allows for effective interdisciplinary collaborations and cross-fertilization across data-related research areas.


In addition to carrying out frontier research, Fellows and Affiliates of BIDSA are also supporting the training and education of students and junior researchers in fields where the use of advanced statistical and computational methodologies is essential.


The members of BIDSA’s scientific committee, which coordinates its activities and initiatives, are:


Carlo Favero (Department of Finance, Bocconi University)

Alfonso Gambardella (Department of Management and Technology, Bocconi University)

Massimilano Marcellino (Department of Economics, Bocconi University)

Igor Pruenster  (Department of Decision Sciences, Bocconi University and Scientific Director of BIDSA)

Riccardo Zecchina (Department of Decision Sciences, Bocconi University)