Breadcrumb Home Projects ERC Projects Open share Close Share Close In this section ERC Projects PRIN Projects Other Projects ERC Projects ERC Starting Grant 2022 101076411 - ANGEVA "Anisotropic geometric variational problems: existence, regularity and uniqueness" ERC Starting Grant 2022 101076564 - PrSc-HDBayLe "Provable Scalability for high-dimensional Bayesian Learning” ERC Starting Grant 101041064 - (BigBayesUQ) "The missing mathematical story of Bayesian uncertainty quantification for big data" ERC Advanced Grant 101019547 - (FGC) "Fine-Grained Cryptography" ERC Starting Grant 949944 - (INTEGRATOR) "Incorporating Demographic Factors into Natural Language Processing Models" ERC 772970 - (Micro-C) "Agent-Based Modelling of Gene Networks to model clonal selection in the tumour microenvironment and predict therapeutic resistance" ERC Advanced Grant 834861 (2019-2024) "Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery Combinatorial Constructions and Distributed Algorithms" (SO-ReCoDi) ERC Starting Grant 283955 (2012-2017) "The impact of DEmographic Changes on Infectious DisEase transmission and control in middle/low income countries" (DECIDE) ERC Starting grant 306404 (2012-2017) “New directions in Bayesian Nonparametrics” (N-BNP)
ERC Starting Grant 2022 101076411 - ANGEVA "Anisotropic geometric variational problems: existence, regularity and uniqueness"
ERC Starting Grant 2022 101076564 - PrSc-HDBayLe "Provable Scalability for high-dimensional Bayesian Learning”
ERC Starting Grant 101041064 - (BigBayesUQ) "The missing mathematical story of Bayesian uncertainty quantification for big data"
ERC Starting Grant 949944 - (INTEGRATOR) "Incorporating Demographic Factors into Natural Language Processing Models"
ERC 772970 - (Micro-C) "Agent-Based Modelling of Gene Networks to model clonal selection in the tumour microenvironment and predict therapeutic resistance"
ERC Advanced Grant 834861 (2019-2024) "Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery Combinatorial Constructions and Distributed Algorithms" (SO-ReCoDi)
ERC Starting Grant 283955 (2012-2017) "The impact of DEmographic Changes on Infectious DisEase transmission and control in middle/low income countries" (DECIDE)