Learning and Optimization in High Dimensions (StatPhys29 Satellite Workshop)
Via G. Roentgen 1, Milan, Italy

Many foundational challenges in AI, machine learning, inference, and optimization stem from navigating complex, high-dimensional landscapes. Over recent decades, the statistical physics of disordered systems has contributed numerous analytical and numerical frameworks to address these high-dimensional problems, where data enters as a quenched disorder. The relevance of these research directions is underscored by two recent Nobel prizes awarded to Giorgio Parisi and John Hopfield.
Our StatPhys29 Satellite workshop, taking place at Bocconi University on July 9th-11th 2025, will gather leading physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and computational neuroscientists to discuss recent advancements and exchange insights on pressing shared open problems.
The talks will be by invitation only, but applicants will have the opportunity to present their own research during a poster session. Attendance will be free for students and researchers, while the Department of Computing Sciences at Bocconi University will provide financial support for the event.
Apply here.
Invited Speakers
Maria Chiara Angelini - La Sapienza
Stefan Boettcher - Emory University
Silvio Franz - Università del Salento
Federica Gerace - Università di Bologna
Sebastian Goldt - SISSA
Haiping Huang - Sun Yat-Sen University
Alessandro Ingrosso - Radboud University
Florent Krzakala - EPFL
Clarissa Lauditi - Harvard
Bruno Loureiro - École Normale Supérieure
Marc Mézard - Bocconi
Francesca Mignacco - Princeton
Rémi Monasson - École Normale Supérieure
Mauro Pastore - ICTP
Cengiz Pehlevan - Harvard
Federico Ricci-Tersenghi - La Sapienza
Pietro Rotondo - Università di Parma
Beatriz Seoane - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Berfin Şimşek - Flatiron Institute
Pierfrancesco Urbani - Paris Saclay
Matthieu Wyart - Johns Hopkins
Hajime Yoshino - Osaka University
Carlo Baldassi
Carlo Lucibello
Enrico Malatesta
Gabriele Perugini
Luca Saglietti
Enrico Ventura
Riccardo Zecchina