

Bocconi PhD Student Honored by the IMS

Filippo Ascolani receives a Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Pietro Muliere Becomes a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

This honor is only granted to a small number of scholars

Sonia Petrone Named IMS Fellow

Fellows of the Institute of Mathematical Stastics must have demonstrated distinction in research or leadership that has profoundly influenced the field


BIDSA HYBRID SEMINAR "The role of Preferential Sampling in Spatial and Spatio-temporal Geostatistical Modeling"

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Alan Gelfand, Duke University

Opening the Black Box

Bocconi Professors Sandra Fortini and Sonia Petrone propose a new methodology to shed light on black box algorithms by using the predictive approach that is typical of Bayesian statistics 

Two Bocconi PhD Graduates in the Final Phase of the Savage Award

Marta Catalano and Augusto Fasano compete for the acknowledgement with their theses in Bayesian statistics

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar "Sharp excess risk bounds without the Bernstein condition: An algorithmic viewpoint"

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Patrick Rebeschini, University of Oxford

Understanding Uncertainty in Machine Learning Algorithms

Botond Szabo obtained an ERC starting grant to assess the fundamental properties of statistical and machine learning methods widely used when deadling with large quantities of complex data, as in medical imaging, autonomous cars, or in dating the Big Bang



Connected Risks in a Connected World

Bocconi Professor Simone Padoan develops novel tools in extreme value theory that allow, for exemple, to jointly study the shocks in the exchange rates of multiple currencies 

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar: "Dependent censoring based on copulas”

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Ingrid Van Keilegom, KU Leuven