

Scaling up Data Science: Turning an Art into Science

Giacomo Zanella has been financed by the European Research Council to better understand, and develop, computational algorithms for large-scale probabilistic models 

BIDSA HYBRID SEMINAR "Early Stopping in Iterative Learning Methods"

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Markus Reiss, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin

BIDSA HYBRID SEMINAR "Randomization Inference of Treatment Spillover Effects"

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Panos Toulis, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business

Self Confirming Equilibrium: We Can Only Learn from the Consequences of Our Decisions

Together with Nobel Laureate Thomas Sargent, Bocconi Professors Pierpaolo Battigalli, Simone Cerreia Voglio, Fabio Maccheroni, and Massimo Marinacci investigate the game theory concept of self confirming equilibrum and its policy implications. 

Hybrid mode: 3-E4-SR03 + Zoom
BIDSA HYBRID SEMINAR "Estimating Heterogeneous Causal Effects of High-Dimensional Treatments: Application to Conjoint Analysis"

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Max Goplerud, University of Pittsburgh

BIDSA HYBRID SEMINAR "Recent Advances in Sparse Bayesian Factor Analysis"

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Vienna University of Economics and Business

Bocconi PhD Student Honored by the IMS

Filippo Ascolani receives a Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Pietro Muliere Becomes a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

This honor is only granted to a small number of scholars

Sonia Petrone Named IMS Fellow

Fellows of the Institute of Mathematical Stastics must have demonstrated distinction in research or leadership that has profoundly influenced the field


BIDSA HYBRID SEMINAR "The role of Preferential Sampling in Spatial and Spatio-temporal Geostatistical Modeling"

BIDSA Hybrid Seminar 2022: Alan Gelfand, Duke University