

ROOM 3.E4.SR03
BIDSA Seminar: "Rough-glassy landscapes from inference to machine learning"
BIDSA Seminar Series Fall 2018 - “Rough-glassy landscapes from inference to machine learning” - Chiara Cammarota, King's College London
ROOM 3.B3.SR01
BIDSA Seminar: “Uniform, nonparametric, non-asymptotic confidence sequences”
BIDSA Seminar Series Fall 2018 - “Uniform, nonparametric, non-asymptotic confidence sequences” - Aaditya Ramdas, Carnegie Mellon University
Room 3.e4.sr03
BIDSA Seminar: “A model for a sequence of partitions evolving in time and space”
BIDSA Seminar Series Fall 2018 - "A model for a sequence of partitions evolving in time and space" - Fernando Quintana, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Room N15
BIDSA Seminar: "Training replicable predictors in multiple studies" (joint with IGIER and Dondena)
Joint Seminar BIDSA, IGIER and Dondena: “Training replicable predictors in multiple studies” - Giovanni Parmigiani, Harvard University
Sarfatti building, Notari Room
Big Data & Advanced Analytics
Special event organized with Generali Italia to showcase new job opportunities in Data Science.
BIDSA Affiliate and Co-author Awarded the Mitchell Prize
Daniele Durante and David B. Dunson received Mitchell Prize
BIDSA Affiliate Receives Savage Award Honorable Mention
Giacomo Zanella's PhD dissertation received mention for Savage Award in Applied Methodology
Several BIDSA Members Receive Recognition
Antonio Lijoi and Sonia Petrone awarded by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS); Silvio Petriconi received NVidia GPU Grant; Igor Pruenster named Fellow of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
BIDSA Affiliate receives award for "The Best PhD Thesis in Statistics" by the Italian Statistical Society
Daniele Durante was awarded for his PhD thesis entitled “Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling of Network Data”.
The Bocconi Summer School in Advanced Statistics and Probability
The 2018 edition, on Graphical Models, will take place on July 9-20, 2018.